Selected Publications

You can find a comprehensive list of my publications on Google Scholar.

A. Racca, N.A.K. Doan, L. Magri
Modelling spatiotemporal turbulent dynamics with the convolutional autoencoder echo state network, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, under review.
Preprint: arXiv.

A. Racca, L. Magri
Data-Driven Prediction and control of extreme events in a chaotic flow, Physical Review Fluids, 2022.
Preprint: arXiv, repository: GitHub.

A. Racca, L. Magri
Statistical prediction of extreme events from small datasets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science / ICCS, 2022.
Preprint: arXiv, repository: GitHub.

A. Racca, L. Magri
Robust Optimization and Validation of Echo State Networks for learning chaotic dynamics, Neural Networks, 2021.
Preprint: arXiv, repository: GitHub.

A. Racca, L. Magri
Automatic-differentiated Physics-Informed Echo State Network (API-ESN), Lecture Notes in Computer Science / ICCS, 2021.
Preprint: arXiv, repository: GitHub.